The need for clear communication from leaders

In this Talking Leadership podcast series – we talk to business leaders on key themes surrounding business and leadership – here we speak to PWC’s Chairman and Senior Partner Kevin Ellis about the disruption caused by COVID-19.

Kevin Ellis

Lloyd Wigglesworth
The Alexander Partnership
Topics discussed include:
1. Leaders must continue what they have learnt about the importance of over-communicating during lock-down
– communicate clearly, confidently and simply; particularly important given the competing distractions remote workers experience at home
2. Many offices will be downsized
– working remotely and the flexibility to work remotely is becoming the norm. Many businesses will save costs with small head offices as they have experienced the effectiveness of home working. A new social contract will be necessary for employees
3. Building rapport virtually is a critical new skill to develop future sales
4. Leaders have been making key decisions during the crisis with smaller groups for speed and effectiveness
– uncertainty can be exacerbated with too many people contributing to and slowing down the decision-making process
5. Recession is impending but it is very different from the last one
– compared with the 2008 recession there will be more capital available for investment. The exit from this recession will be deals-led and will represent an opportunity for businesses with cash on their balance sheet.